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Monsters, Lava and Teddy


So as we all know, my toddler has difficulty falling asleep at night... His brain is too busy to shut down... Last night apparently his Teddy didn't want to sleep and his Teddy kept him from sleeping. I asked if I can shout at Teddy so that he can keep quiet and please sleep. But no... I need to speak in as very soft voice and ask him very nicely to please sleep...

About 5min later... Mommy, mommy come quick... Teddy fell from the bed and there is lava and crocodiles coming, quick please help Teddy...

Ok now you guys need to really sleep...

Please can we read one more story??

Yes sure, just fall asleep while I read please... No, this just keeps him awake and psyched up more...

Don't know how many times I had to postpone my sleep...

Around 00:30 the monsters in his room ate chip, they were eating like pigs and didn't even share... how dare they wake him up again, and don't even share their chips. Rude I tell you...

So no sleep, lava, crocodiles and a very naughty Teddy...oh yeas and monsters...

Not to mention, power was out from 18:00 -22:00 and again from 00:00-02:00.

#tired #moody # grumpymommy

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